For those that don't know the
EPMF (European Puppet Ministry Festival) is an annual Puppet Festival which happens in
Reading, Berkshire. It's run by a company called
One Way UK and is aimed at people who use puppets in the context of a Sunday school or school assemblies by and large - although not exclusively. It is an
opportunity to network and attend workshops to help you improve your puppetry techniques and show. This year 600 people registered for the weekend... it was a lot of fun.

As this was the 15
th annual puppet festival we were pleased to have a few special guests.
Dale VonSeggen is the founder of
One Way Street. Dale has played a significant role in my life as a puppeteer so it was great to meet up with him again. Dale with the help of Harry Barrett enabled me to take part in the puppetry
Dream Team at
I-Fest in 1998 and 1999. This was a great time of learning for me and it really stretched me as a performer.
Another American visitor who attended the festival this weekend was Debra
Fader. D
was the Dream Team director the second year I was on the team. Debra is a great director and puppet builder. She has a real talent for choreography and her workshops rightly attracted a lot of attention.
I enjoyed being back involved with the festival crowd, it's been a while since I was involved regularly with One Way UK - about 5 years to try and put a number on it.
Thanks for reading - all the best
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